06 86 33 36 06 marie.rapin@axessdev.com

Our News

Axess Développement receives the OPQCM qualification

What does this label correspond to? The OPQCM, Professional Office for the Qualification of Management Consulting is an independent organization, recognized by the State, whose mission is to issue consulting firms with a professional qualification certificate, in ...

Work-study contract: Support for the support of European projects

Axess Développement est un cabinet à taille humaine spécialisé dans l’appui technique à l’obtention et la gestion de fonds publics et européens. Notre cabinet de consultants compte 8 collaborateurs, il est basé au coeur du technopôle de l’Arbois à Aix en Provence....

Presentation of ADEME Investissement

Retrouvez ici la présentation d'ADEME Investissement, une action issue du 3e volet du Programme d'Investissement d'Avenir (PIA), pour des projets innovants d’infrastructure «première commerciale» dans le secteur de la transition écologique et énergétique. Axess...

Call for proposals Boosting the EU's green recovery

The first call for proposals for the 2020-2030 EU Innovation Fund has been published. This involves supporting demonstration projects of highly innovative technologies, processes or products, sufficiently mature and with significant potential for ...

Support plan for the aeronautical sector

On June 9, the Government unveiled its Support Plan for the aeronautics sector heavily impacted by the COVID19 crisis. 🤔 What measures are put in place by this plan? ✔️ The development of financial support mechanisms for ...

2020-2030 Innovation Fund

It's official ! The European Commission’s Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA) will implement the 2020-2030 Innovation Fund.

Support plan for aeronautics in the South Region

The aeronautics and space industry represents the leading industrial sector in the Southern Region.
Le Plan de soutien à l’aéronautique, présenté par le Gouvernement le 9 juin dernier, est donc une excellente nouvelle

Any idea? A project? Any questions?