06 86 33 36 06 marie.rapin@axessdev.com

Our News

New EUREKA call for projects

Research and innovation projects aimed at providing short and medium term responses to the specific needs of COVID-19.


For very small businesses, assistance of € 3,000 to € 10,000 from the Southern Region is possible to cover the drop in activity linked to COVID-19.

Business support schemes

Marie RAPIN, President of the firm, and Emeline BOISSON, her partner, presented the business aid schemes implemented by European, national and regional institutions to those involved in the Technopôle de l’Arbois.

EIC ACCELERATOR - Covid 19: Next deadline May 19, 2020

La prochaine vague d’ appel à projets dédié aux start-ups et PME possédant des technologies et des innovations se clôture le 19 mai 2020.
Aide européenne de 500K€ à 2,5M€ et représentant au maximum 70% du coût total de votre projet.

Covid-19: What support for your business?

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has reported a number of measures to help businesses and independent face the crisis of Covid-19 and its impact on the economy.

Covid 19: Postponement until March 20, 5 p.m. from the European AAP

La Commission européenne a reporté la deadline de dépôt de projet à vendredi 20 mars 17H pour l’ appel à projet dédié aux start-ups et PME possédant des technologies et des innovations susceptibles de contribuer au traitement, aux essais, à la surveillance ou à...

Any idea? A project? Any questions?