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European Commission authorizes two state aid regimes notified by France

In the context of the COVID-19 crisis, the European Commission has authorized a guarantee scheme amounting to €10 billion to support the internal credit insurance market. The likelihood of credit insurers refusing to cover a payment default has indeed become higher. This guarantee scheme makes it possible to maintain the credit insurance offer for all companies. It also allows buyers of goods or services to avoid paying for their purchases in advance, which will reduce their immediate liquidity needs.

La Commission a également accepté la prolongation du Fonds de solidarité. Cette mesure est dotée d’un budget prévisionnel de 1,7 Md d’euros pour mars 2020 et de 2,9 Mds d’euros pour avril 2020. Les entreprises éligibles pourront bénéficier d’une aide allant jusqu’à 8000€.